All Lig's theology can be framed within a quadrilateral whose four sides are labelled, Word of God, faith, theology and life of the church. All Lig's reflection takes place within the quadrilateral metaphorically described by these headings. Moreover Lig's generation of French Catholic scholars, trained in depth in philosophy even before theology, made assumptions which seem dated today. John's prologue is Lig's starting point. Lig's innovative theology of the Word provoked some opposition, notably from the Strasbourg theologian, Antoine Chevasse. Lig's account of faith is biblically rooted, starting with Abraham's faith. After 1968 Lig offered a new definition of pastoral theology influenced by the political and liberation theology of Metz and Boff. Lig's pastoral theology is based on four ecclesiological principles. Lig's theological method was shaped by the theological approach at Le Saulchoir.