Lig's vision for the church starts with his own faith. Lig's story contrasts sharply with, say, someone whose good experience playing table tennis at the Church of England youth club translates later on into finding themselves churchwarden. By 17, Lig had joined the Dominicans. He had been stunned by the invitation through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to collaborate with God. British practical theology has no equivalent to writing like Lig's. For Lig, only those who take conversion, formation and corporate action seriously are authentic Christian disciples. Pattison and Lynch call Henri Nouwen's approach neo-traditional-confessional in which a primary emphasis is placed on the importance of the theologian's personal spirituality or their pursuit of an authentic relationship with the truth as revealed within the Christian tradition. Don Browning is the theologian who most embodies what Pattison and Lynch describe as the Liberal-rational approach to practical theology.