The framings of texts can have a significant effect on the potential meanings available to audiences. The Nagykanizsa gazavatname scribes, through the use of different introductory and concluding sections, as well as other narrative, linguistic and stylistic variations, in effect created different, individual scripta as they read, interpreted and reinscribed their exemplars. This chapter makes explicit how the different re-inscriptions display complex and often contradictory attitudes towards the political hegemony of the military-administrative system. For the purposes of analysis and discussion, it is helpful to divide the Nagykanizsa gazavatname scripta into a few broad categories. These divisions largely coincide with differences in the introductory sections that the scripta have. Tiryaki Hasan Pasha is the hero of this narrative. The other gazavatname scripta essentially present him as an exemplar of either a successful military border commander, or as a competent, professional member of the imperial military-administrative elite.