The increasing population density in urban centers, the growth of large cities, environmental degradation, economic uncertainty, the exponential increase in consumption, and climate change are some of the main causes of the proliferation of risks in everyday lives. The notion of risk is post-traditional and post-rational, referring to a period of the history of science characterized by a reflection on the events of modernity. 1 The term risk refers to decisions linked to time, but difficult to know because of the uncertain future; it refers to a contingent phenomenon that offers different perspectives to different observers. In other words, the contingent damage is contingently occasioned and therefore avoidable. 2

The environmental dimension has been progressively included in the theory and practice of development policies. Protecting the environment is a task that should be addressed within a broad time perspective, as it transcends every human generation. In recent decades, quantitative and qualitative increases in the occurrence of natural and socio-natural disasters have made our societies and government organizations pay special attention not only to the environmental dimension, but also to the social and economic spheres.