In the morning wee sawe the land, and were right before Narsapur Peta. 1 Wee runne along this coaste W.S.W.; and aboute 4 of the clocke in the afternoone discryed the roade of Musilpatam and sawe 5 shipps att ancker. Att 7 of the clocke att night wee came to an ancker, and shotte of 7 pieces. Wee were welcomed of 3 shipps, and, presently after, the palewares 2 or fishermen comming aboord according to custome, wee understoode the one to bee an Englishe shippe, and 2 Hollanders, the fourthe to bee the Kings shipp going for Mocha, and the fifth a tauri. Wee lykewyse understood that Mirsadardi was oute of his gouvernment, and that Atmachan and Busebullerau 3 did nowe gouverne; wherefore wee founde it good to sende a letter on shoare, and to sende for the captaine or marchant to come aboorde of us, for to conferre with theym touching the estate of the countrie and of theyr voyage.