This chapter develops the ways to measure and map networks and their associated networking practices. It examines the timespace structures of social networks and the mobilities of travel, talk and text flowing between each respondent and his/her strong ties. The chapter also examines the respondents' residential mobility over the last 15 years. It focuses the degree of weak and strong ties that are spatially distributed and sustained through specific geographies of travel, meetings and communications. The distinction between weak ties and strong ties are often blurred as they depend upon people's network geographies. SMS texting is intricately tied up with the complex micro-geographies of coordinating and accessing meetings. The major reason that the dispersed transnational network can sustain itself is that it occasionally meets up, individually but also collectively, which is something that the migration literature has largely overlooked until recently. That network geographies are more and more widespread and this explains why VFR tourism has grown so rapidly.