This chapter considers the Scottish metrical psalters printed until 1640 in four sections. It focuses on the editions printed until 1601, demonstrates how consistent printed psalters were. The chapter discusses these changes, and explores the ascendancy of Scottish printer Andro Hart and the stability that his metrical psalters re-established. It also considers the contents and influence of the publication that is arguably the pinnacle of the Sternhold and Hopkins line of metrical psalters printed in either England or Scotland, namely the 1635 Psalmes of David printed by the heirs of Andro Hart. The Civil War ended in 1573 with the victory of the King's Men, but that did not translate into permanent disaster for Bassandyne or continuing success for Lekpreuik. Given the instability and uncertainty that characterized the Scottish printing industry in the early modern era, this level of consistency in Scottish psalters is astonishing.