Capac presented the gifts which they bore1 and made deep obeisances before them.

The Lords gave orders for the conducting of their daughters to the point of carrying out what they so much desired, and, with the approval of all, they assembled all their vassals, and, in the form of a wellordered army, they held some reviews in order to enter Cuzco with all possible circumstance, and in order to give the inhabitants of it [Cuzco] to understand their power and forces, mindful also, lest the king Manco should intend some trick, to be found in readiness for resistance. Manco Capac had news of it all through some hidden spies which he had in all places, and so, knowing of the assembling of those Lords, he gave orders to his captains with all caution to be in readiness in case it were necessary to wage war upon those whomight irritate them [the people of Cuzco]. For this purpose they fortified some high places both inside and outside the city of Cuzco, placing there guards and garrisons of their most valiant men. With these precautions and provisions both sides were making ready. And the essential things [were done] for the feasts and rejoicings in connexion with the new marriage,, but it was disturbed, when on the point of being solemnized, by a strange event which suddenly befell.