Long considered to be the first book issued from the printing press of William Caxton, The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers (c. 1477) establishes the Arabic treatise Mukhtar al-hikam wa mahasin al-kalim [“The Choicest Maxims and Best Sayings”], via successive Spanish, Latin, and French translations, at the foundation of English print culture. 1 As Franz Rosenthal asserts in his detailed bibliographical study of Mukhtar al-hikam, these translations from the thirteenth century onwards of this eleventh-century “book of popular philosophy,” written by “the Syro-Egyptian historian, philosopher, and bibliophile, Abû l-Wafâ’ al-Mubashshir b. Fâtik” 400 years after the Hijrah, “were landmarks in the literary and intellectual history of the Western European nations.” The book had a similar impact on medieval Muslim literature and thought, where its classical Greek proof texts were supplemented by “sayings of Muslim sages and mystics not belonging to al-Mubashshir’s work.” 2 As Leila Ahmed elaborates in Women and Gender in Islam, this shared legacy, based on “Aristotle’s theories,” inculcated misogynist dictums into “both Arab and European civilizations.” 3