Recent archaeological investigations carried out in cult places of ancient Lucania have started to shed light on a phenomenon of continuity of the sites that would have been unthinkable until a few decades ago. The sanctuary of Rossano di Vaglio represents a unicum in the landscape of cult places in Lucania during the Late Republican age. From the end of the third century BC, the sanctuary of Rossano di Vaglio underwent at least two phases of reconstruction, expansion, and restoration. The sanctuary of Rossano di Vaglio, with its intense building activity starting immediately after Hannibal, is the only case that could be perhaps compared with the Samnite sanctuaries. Conversely, for other sanctuaries, which are significantly the better investigated sites, the evidence documents continued use also after the end of the third century BC. Major examples are Civita di Tricarico, Chiaromonte, and Torre di Satriano.