One 'travels' from site to site, across topographies, transforming topographies, in an architectural fantasy of illusory constructions. The travelling action calls upon a wide range of ambulatory effects that include displacement, dispersal, disruption or continuity. Indeed, we attempt to situate past events, personal or otherwise, as a means to charting the past on a physical site, making 'real' the idea that history was just that, real, and part of our working world, not simply a mythologized tale. The website project had its own life, something unique and separate, unrelated to success or failure, just something apart, where the imaginary takes root and begins to create a world in the mind, a constant reminder that the parallel worlds live not only peacefully but comfortably in memory. In porch way, the project attempts to activate multiple subject positions by altering computer users otherwise passive voice into active iterations by what could amount to endless potential visits to, and manipulations of, the site.