This chapter uses the concepts of constitutional moments and constituent power to discuss the main watersheds in Poland's recent political history from the Round Table Talks (RTT) onwards. The RTT were nothing short of the beginning of fundamental reshaping of Poland's political system. The chapter maps out the formation of constituent power in Poland under the banner of Solidarno. Solidarno brought communism in Poland to its end. Poland's historical tradition of constitutionalism can be described as rich and inspiring, although not always glorious. The chapter outlines the early historical evidence and tradition of Polish constitutionalism. The evidence of constitutionalism in Poland is usually located in the thirteenth-century successful struggle of the gentry to limit the power of the King. The gradual broadening of the electoral franchise later on, even to landless noblemen, meant that Poland had the greatest proportion of the population that enjoyed political rights at that time in the whole of Europe.