This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the concepts discussed in the preceding chapters of this book. The book examines the ways in which museums, notably Horniman in UK, the Museum of World Culture (MWC) in Sweden and District Six Museum in South Africa, have given support to this meaning making process through facilitating the representation of personal and community stories, herstories for Caribbean Women Writers Alliance (CWWA). It discusses museums to promote democracy and citizenship through the critical pedagogy, informed by feminist-hermeneutics, which have outlined with reference to museum examples. The book emphasises the value of material culture and the biographies that surround it. It shows how a radical consciousness of the possibilities for creative re-mapping' of identities might be developed at the museum frontiers, at District Six Museum (D6M) in South Africa, Edo-Tokyo Museum in Japan, in Oxford during outreach, as well as in the MWC in Sweden and at Horniman London.