Wherefore, 0 Christ-Ioving! I deemed it sufficient that you, on reading our little treatise (for we must speak humbly of what wc have done), namely, the Chrzstian Topograplty o.f tllc whole world, should see how that in the first book we used arguments drawn from the natural world, against those, who, while seeming to be Christians, nevertheless s.upposed heaven to be a spbere-that in the second, \\'c have exhibited the Christian theories concerning the figure and position of the whole world from divine scripture ; that in tbe third we have shown how firm and sure, and how worthy of belief is divine scripture, and of what utility figurcs uf the whole world are; that in the fourth we have given a summary recapitulation together with a drawing of the Tabernacle prepared by Moses, and shown also the harmony of the Prophets and Apostles; and that in the sixth we have treated of the size of the sun, and have thus brought our little work to its completion. Nevertheless I again, at the earnest desire and request of your Reverence, wh ich, as has been said, I cannot disregard, will endeavour, agreeably to your command and to the best of my ability, to confute briefly [rom divine scripture those who hold that the heavens will perish, and, with the help of divine grace and your prayers, to prove their permanency. We shall statc first, what forms of speech divine scripture elnploys when treating of heaven, and then shall show that it everywhere decides that the heavens are i ndissol u ble.