This chapter examines Kierkegaard's Christian becoming amidst two broader notions of aesthetics: in relation to the perceivable, sensual, and material world as well as the world of art. It describes the determinant role God's love plays as a constant partner within human becoming; to become a subject is a movement within a life of faith, and faith is only possible with God's assistance. The chapter explains an important component in ontologically pointing one to external, finite things, leading to despair, as well as to eternal, infinite things, leading to faith. It discusses an analysis of Kierkegaard's conception of the formal dimensions of subjectivity and the determinate role they play in actualizing Christian subjectivity. As rooted in subjectivity and mimesis, the imagination carries a number of responsibilities. It is a foundation for self-knowledge about oneself as being more than a material being. Anti-Climacus presents a similar connection between the imagination and passion within The Sickness Unto Death.