STORYLINE Having reviewed the theory underlying the release of economic genius in the previous chapter, in this final chapter we are dedicated to ‘making the Integral Economy happen’. Indeed, however daunting the task, through the examples of Grameen, Sekem, Mondragon, Interface and Canon, we have illustrated how such organizations can potentially play a role in giving birth to a new economic paradigm. Linking up with these examples, we will introduce our own Laboratory of Integral Economics, intimating how we build up, together with others, integral theory and practice. The case of the Chinyika Community in Zimbabwe, which has so far led to the provision of food security for about 20,000 villagers, serves to emphasize that there is indeed something we (in this case the Zimbabweans) can do. In what follows, we describe five critical success factors that applied to all the cases we described. These success factors provide you with a clear and tangible perspective on how to take up the integral economic task, in co-creative manner, to create the economy of the future – an economy, that makes poverty history.