This chapter focuses on communal self-sufficiency, and is aligned with Ubuntu. It focuses on general self-sufficiency rather than on natural resources specifically, in the 'South', and on community building rather than marketing. The integral approach to macro-economics, replaces economic 'growth', generally, with the release of the specific socio-economic genius of a particular society. African Economic Humanism maintains that any harmful action against another individual is a threat to the whole society; a restriction on individual's activity places severe constraints on the economic welfare of the whole. The communal, ecological tradition has undergone an ironic transformation. A trans-cultural and transformational 'Southern' journey has been crafted, in integral dynamic terms, extending from roots to fruits, intra-culturally, and across Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas, inter-culturally. Marketing is the analysing, organizing, planning and controlling of the firm's customer impinging resources, policies, and activities with a view to satisfying the needs and wants of chosen customer groups at a profit.