After this they were in Matahua for two years, waiting to pass on to the upper valley to seek good and fertile land. Mama H uaco, who was very strong and dexterous, took two wands of gold and hurled them towards the north. One fell, at two shots of an arq uebus, into a ploughed field called Colcapampa and did not drive in well, the soil being loose and not terraced. By this they knew that the soil was not fertile. The other went further, to near Cuzco, and fixed well in the territory called H uanaypata, where they knew the land to be fertile. Others say that this proof was made by Manco Ccapac with the staff of gold which he carried himself, and that thus they knew of the fertility of the land, when the staff sunk in the land called Huanay-pata, two shots of an arquebus from Cuzco. They knew the crust of the soil to be rich and close, so that it could only be broken by using much force.