The prospect of a Huguenot becoming the next king of France plunged France into a more dangerous political crisis than any since 1559. Fear among French Catholics of an armed Protestant rising was exacerbated by talks between Henry and two representatives of Henry of Navarre: Philippe Duplessis-Mornay and the comte de Laval. In the spring of 1584 Henri de Guise began to manifest openly his refusal to acknowledge the legitimacy of Navarre's claim to the throne. Philip II's decision to support the Catholic League was primarily intended to avert a French military intervention in the Netherlands. Many French princes were pressing for a war against Spain, including Éperno, The Dutch States-General were also desperately seeking foreign support. The first signs of a mobilization by the League occurred in South-West France in mid-February 1585. On 7 July Catherine signed the treaty of Nemours with the Leaguers on Henry III's behalf.