This chapter introduces a new way of thinking, known as TEFCAS. TEFCAS is an acronym for the steps involved in this new approach to achieving success: Trials, Events, Feedback, Check, Adjust, and Success. TEFCAS is a process for organizing the brain's thinking towards achieving goals. It lays the foundation for building an organization that knows how to communicate with purpose and focus. The chapter describes how TEFCAS can be used to help Grass Roots workers, managers and executives have accurate feedback and direct communications with each other, that helps everyone reach goals, both personal goals and the company's. At the helm was general manager Candace Jones, a perfectionist with a sincere desire to make the hotel a winner. Opening a Grass Roots Workshop, a senior executive of the organization defined the company goals. The chapter provides a pragmatic sequence in taking desired outcomes and providing the details in the steps that need to be followed to reach "S".