This chapter discusses the procedures and training of recognizing and understanding how to handle such situations. There are currently over 160 independent countries in the world, hundreds of major ethnic groups, and even greater diversity of cultures, and at least 3,000 spoken languages. The impacts of culture on international management are tremendous. Culture is very different from one country to another. International business would be a lot easier if everyone was alike. However, as we know, not everyone is the same. Different cultures believe and act differently. In some way or another, all businesses in all cultures have to do some kind of planning to succeed; the way each culture plans differs immensely. International planning is affected by the various ideas on which normative cultural concepts are based, including the master-of-destiny versus the fatalistic viewpoint, and the never-ending quest for improvement. Culture affects employee motivation, planning, and implementation of goals and objectives, organizing, staffing, leading, controlling, communication, and promotion.