This chapter describes the dynamics on which leadership works on Ambrym today, in particular with reference to the Lolihor Development Council [LDC]. It analyses how different social movements and organizations on North Ambrym operate, now focusing on the LDC. The establishment of the Local Council and the LDC had important social consequences regarding leadership recruitment, especially since this happened at the same time as the graded society was in decline. The LDC has its headquarters in Ranon but covers the neighbouring region from Fanla and Fanrereo in the north to Ranvetlam in the south. The Peace Corps (PC) volunteers wanted to put the project money for the above project into a Rural Training Centre, also an LDC project. The LDC, as a continuation of the Local Council that developed in the 1970s, has, and to a large extent still is, predominantly associated with people in the Presbyterian Church.