First arrival of the Portuguese in Ceylon. Laurens D'Almeida enters the Bay of Gale 1505, and enters into a treaty with the Emperor. 1518, Alvarenga forces the Emperor to build a fort. Joan Silveira first Caretaker at Colombo, 1518. Antoni Miranda, head of maritime affairs. What Alvarenga does in the Maldives. Lopes Brit, second Caretaker of Colombo, 1520. Builds the fortifications strong and firm. Caught in the utmost danger. Is prepared and makes a new treaty, 1524. The fort of Colombo broken up. A Moor from Malabar tries to get hold of the few Portuguese. But receives a sound beating. New fort built at Colombo. The young Prince Parea Bandara crowned in Lisbon in effigy, 1541. Is attacked by Raja Singa. He seizes Candi. The son of Fimala Lamantia sent by the Portuguese to Goa and baptized by Don Jan. Those of Candi put pressure on the Portuguese. They conquer the kingdom of Jaffanapatnam. And deal with those of Candi. Appoint Don Phillippo Emperor and Don Jan as his Commander. And make an agreement against Raja Singa. Provided that Don Philippo and Don Jan submit to Portugal, Don Jan's hatred of Don Phillippo and the Portuguese. Raja Singa's attack frustrated. Portuguese fort at Ganoor. Their departure from Candi. Don Phillippo poisoned by Don Jan who drives out the Portuguese. Then those of Candi made him Emperor. Forcing them to deliver Ganoor to him. Raja Singa is driven to flight by Don Jan. Tramples on a bamboo out of spite and dies. How he is accused of various cruelties, Janiere Bandara throws himself against Don Jan. Makes an agreement with the Portuguese. They obtain great reinforcements from Goa. Janiere's actions. Don Pedro's misconceived passion halted. Both of whom march to Candi with a large army. And drive Don 257Jan from Walane. Don Pedro demands an oath of loyalty. The Cingalese want Donna Catherina as Queen. She is royally received, crowned and thereby everything is brought to peace. Don Pedro puts a big price on Don Jan's life. He comes as a beggar to Candi and raises a fire. The Portuguese conduct themselves lawlessly against the natives. Janiere seeks to marry the Queen. Don Pedro repulses this. He swears to wreak vengeance. He stirs up Don Jan against the Portuguese, offering him the kingdom. But everything is revealed. Thereupon the Portuguese decide to kill Janiere. Flight of the Cingalese. The Queen reflects on this evil. Don Jan sets the Cingalese against the Portuguese and crushes them pitifully. Don Pedro and the Queen captured. He too happens to die of his wounds. Don Jan conquers all Portuguese forts. Accepts the native kings in favour and marries the Queen. What he does next. Don Jeronimo D'Oviedo comes to Ceylon as Commander. Is put to flight by Don Jan and wounded. Correa goes over to Don Jan, becomes his Commander and, being defeated, is treacherously put to death. Don Jan's vengeance and his demand. The soldiers want to put Don D'Oviedo to death. Simon Correa's attack on Don Jan. Villainous deed of Manuel Dias, for which Don Jan makes him great Modeliaar. And the captured Portuguese killed.