This chapter discusses a forecasting case study of Sharon Spring. Promoted to Forecasting Director six months prior, Sharon had been with PharmaCo's sales division for almost a decade. As a star sales representative, she had worked her way up to District Manager of Upstate New York. She was especially concerned with modeling factors surrounding demand for Cytoflux. Sharon had some data for two distribution channels, retail and hospital, that covered about 95 percent of all Cytoflux sales in 2012-13. She pulled a similar table for Listromycin from the project archives. Listro was one of the drugs that helped make PharmaCo successful throughout the first part of the 2000s. Sharon was being cautious about how they were going to proceed with the forecasts because of problems PharmaCo had had in the past when they forecast pre-launch products. She had pulled a second file regarding Cytoflux patient numbers in the archives, but it turned out to be equally confusing.