This chapter focuses on the relationship between the Constructivist tradition, Systems art and the development of Ernest Edmonds' work in the 1980s. Themes converged in a number of seminal works produced in the 1980s. Edmonds' notion of structure will be explored in relation to a number of works exhibited in this decade. The first diary mention is dated 27 June 1980; it is interesting to note that Edmonds was already planning to explore time, even though it would take many years before he would bring this i.e. to fruition. The Exhibiting Space remit was threefold and, as the group's manifesto put it, had the following aims: One of the most important outcomes was the Exhibiting Space 1985 Autumn Programme. To Giles, the show was successful especially in that it demonstrated the continuity of Constructivism from past to present. As Edmonds described it, "the logic in the computer provides the underlying structure that leads to the form of the work".