This chapter discusses the utility of postcolonial theory as a basis for understanding transnational practices. The concept of transnationalism provides us with a lens to consider the objects and material practices that provide a ground for all migrant experience. The body of transnational research has been significant and includes a number of studies that adopt an interdisciplinary approach informed by insights from sociology, geography and anthropology. Interpretation because it proceeds from the claim that the contemporary social-political landscape has been crucially constituted by the legacy of imperial settlement and the relationship between Australia and the United Kingdom. For Hall, the consideration of topics such as national identity, migrant belonging and settlement require us to recognise the significance of the 'interconnection' between individuals, cultures and nation states and how this interconnection informs politics and national identity. Unfortunately, a number of postcolonial scholars have attempted to explain internally heterogeneous political formations through the use of simplistic binaries like East/West and coloniser/colonised.