The gathered devotion authors sometimes sound indistinguishable from the all of life writers. At the same time, these authors are unashamedly enthusiastic about explicit, outright doxology. They are eager for the sort of renewal that will restore, to both individuals and the gathered assembly, an engagement of God in worship that is active and participative. As the gathered devotion authors balance the two poles of worship, action and adoration, they also balance two overlapping arenas of the latter pole, adoration: the individual heart and the corporate gathering. For these authors, authentic worship must unquestionably be rooted in the heart. At the same time, they focus intently on the worship of the assembly. The gathered devotion authors see worship primarily as a celebratory human response to God; they naturally, therefore, value and encourage whole-person participation. Ronald Allen and Gordon Borror: 'A challenge ever before those who plan for corporate worship is participation'.