This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book argues that the liberal intergovernmentalist framework is helpful in explaining the Europeanization of British defence policy between 1997 and 2005; particularly the UK government negotiating team's approach to defence negotiations at the Nice European Council. It argues that the relative bargaining strengths of the British, French and German governments represented the strongest preferences within the negotiations. The book deals with a critical evaluation of Europeanization and an explanation for how the phenomenon works in relation to defence and security policies. It reviews domestic British defence policy making as it relates directly and indirectly to the European Union. The book examines the Europeanizing machineries of government both within the UK and within the EU. It examines the Europeanization of the arms trade; through the political and economic drivers for this trade and also through an analysis of the politics of arms transfers.