This conclusion presents some closing thoughts on the key concepts discussed in the preceding chapters of this book. The book proposes environmental skepticism is a social counter-movement. It proposes that the skeptical counter-movement fits within a nested complex of hegemony and the political economy of Industria which rejects the core ideas of political ecology. Some key terms are reiterated in this chapter for ease of reading. They are actors, associations, global south, good faith witnesses, propositions, public life, science trap and scientism. Actors are explicitly humans and non-humans who modify the world and mediate each other. Associations are the connections one makes within a nascent, forming, or institutionalized community or between communities, but they are rooted in ideas, interests, feelings and senses that ground affiliation of actors around people in their life together. Propositions can come from any voice, but then are placed in the context of public discussion for evaluation.