This chapter discusses the entrepreneurial journey of a Colombian woman who fled violence, persecution and discrimination in her native territory. It successfully demonstrates a combined effort of governmental, non-governmental, international and private organizations, including the United Nations (UN). These organizations worked together to create a system allowing displaced women to enhance their social capital and, subsequently, financial opportunities through entrepreneurship. The important role of financial capital, as well as human, social and moral capital is discussed. The story of Kambiri and Silvia Gutierrez provides an example of how context and process interact to produce entrepreneurial ventures that may alleviate poverty. Kambiri is the product of a unified and strategic alliance of government and non-government institutions aiming to reduce poverty among rural, displaced Afro-Colombian women. Kambiri uses culture as a strategy to attract participants and encourage them to stay, leading to improved relational capital. The cultural projects produced by Kambiri and the Colombian Ministry of Culture are very effective.