The new president, Marmaduke Stone, a Staffordshire man, was fully conversant with English Jesuit missionary and educational traditions. Thomas Weld's offer was attractive and, if the suppressed English Jesuits of Lige were to migrate to Britain, Stonyhurst was as good a place as any in which to relocate the Academy. Two hundred years earlier, in the 1590s, despite the severity of the Elizabethan penal laws prohibiting Catholic worship, Thomas Weld's forebears, the Shireburns, had built at Stonyhurst a substantial private Catholic chapel within the hall. By this time, Marmaduke Stone had decided to take up Thomas Weld's long-standing offer and to relocate the staff and students of the Academy to Stonyhurst. Soon after their arrival in the capital, they received a letter from Thomas Weld inviting them to visit him at Lulworth before continuing to Stonyhurst. The Academy of Lige now at Stonyhurst goes on well.