In Liège in 1776, beginning on Passion Sunday, the Jubilee was celebrated with particular solemnity. Special arrangements were made by the prince-bishop for members of educational establishments in the principality to visit the Cathdrale Saint-Lambert in Liège and the three city churches of Saint-Pierre, Saint-Paul and Saint-Jean three times 'processionnellement' as an act of devotion. The surviving day books of the Liège Academy leave no doubt that, post-1773, in addition to the usual feast days of the liturgical year, all the specifically Jesuit religious practices observed in colleges of the Society of Jesus prior to the suppression were observed. Two years later, in 1781, the sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary was re-established at the Academy, restoring the traditions of St Omers and Bruges which were later to be continued once again after the migration from Liège to Stonyhurst in 1794.