The text of the Lord's Prayer that Farel uses varies slightly in its wording of the fifth petition from his 1533 liturgy, but this variation simply reflects the different versions of the prayer in the gospels. The Lord's Prayer and the Apostle's Creed in French, with a rather nice and helpful explanation of each one, made in the form of a contemplation an ample prayer profitable for inflaming one's heart and spirit with the love of God. Therefore, to the end that everyone be able to pray in a way that he understands whatever he is saying, this little booklet, which anyone can easily carry by hand, contains the Lord's Prayer and the articles of faith found in the Apostle's Creed, with a simple exposition of the two. But unhappily, O good Father, our wickedness is so great that we abuse the good things that you have given us through greed, avarice, wastefulness, pride and several other sorts of sins.