An anonymous dreambook of 440 dreams and their interpretations appears on folia of Codex Parisinus Graecus 2511, dated to 1400. This codex also contains a lunar dreambook, the Nicephorus dreambook, and a large section of Achmet's dreambook. The fact that the dreambook is anonymous is surprising, given the false ascriptions we see affixed to the other dreambooks. The text has close affinities with the Anonymous and Daniel dreambooks, although Gigli notes variations in the number and ordering of the interpretations, as well as differences in syntax and in how some dreams are interpreted. The Greek Daniel dreambook in its original form was a primary source for an oneirocriticon ascribed to 'Nicephorus, patriarch of Constantinople'. The indispensable work on this text is Guidorizzi 1980. Drexl's 1922 study is now lacking. The Venetians had been given warehouses and quays in the area directly across from Galata in return for helping Byzantium in the eleventh century in repelling the Normans.