The existence of laws and application of laws are essential for the attainment, maintenance, and evolution of social justice within society and business. Just as the Rule of Law is a pre-requisite for effective diversity management, so too is the concept of social justice. Schraad-Tischler asserts that social justice is a central constructive element of the legitimacy and stability of any political community. The most recent global report was published in 2011. It highlights variations in social justice performance among market-based democratic countries that are part of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Clearly and unequivocally, across all social justice indicators, Nordic countries have the most highly functioning societies. They govern themselves well according to the Rule of Law, and this may contribute to better social justice outcomes. Diversity management frameworks that are solely reliant upon the Rule of Law, and a compliance-based approached, invariably have very limited global efficacy.