Organisational decisions are more often made like Sullenberger's decision - one-plan-at-a-time. Finkelstein's safeguards require increased levels of human interaction to keep decision making in check. In an increasingly complex world, executives are in need of systems support for strategic decisions. Business intelligence vendors have recognised this and started to add social. Innovation from all the major software vendors is focused on filling decision support gaps with social. Of all the social safeguards, this is the most obvious to keep a decision in check and protect it from the risk of individual bias. Networks decisions, more usually disperse decision activity throughout many roles. Monitoring the progress of a decision as it is executed is the last line of defence in flawed decision making, but is the first step in accountable decisions. Monitoring the implementation of a decision is little more than task management. Interactions safeguard against poor decisions, but are also the essence of organisational decisions.