Selection is an important function in companies and many large organisations spend vast sums of money annually in dealing with candidates. This effort can be rendered useless by the deception employed by candidates. Large fast-paced organisations offer a cornucopia of power and potential pleasure for the psychopath including, but not limited to, politicking, bulling, humiliating and manipulating junior staff and hoodwinking colleagues. Psychopaths know they are different and, to their advantage, they know that most people do not know they are different. They are the career criminals that stalk large organisations and create havoc both psychological and financial. The real difficulty for selectors is that it is impossible to recognise psychopathic tendencies in a candidate. Having a psychopath in a senior role in an organisation is the clinical equivalent of having a super tanker captained by a blind epileptic with a chronic heart condition except the psychopath does not have the baggage of remorse or regret when the ship sinks.