This chapter delves into a serious and important question: whether the freedom-emphasizing modern democracy based on rational, self-sufficient and autonomous individuals is appropriate to our insular planet. The term insular planet refers to Planet Earth with its growing severity of constraints on the environment and resources. The chapter discusses the arduous and unsuccessful experience of Japan in adapting itself to the modern democracy. It summarizes a variety of elements and conditions important for the particular democracy that is appropriate to the people of the insular planet in the Age of Sustainable Development. In our contemporary world, however, non-Western societies have copied, followed or pretended at least to understand modern liberal democracy, in order to associate and trade with the industrially advanced Western countries. For a more comprehensive and systemic approach, people should pursue the long-term policy that encourages the trilateral virtuous circle among Holistic Culture Enrichment, Comprehensive Human Development and Balanced Socioeconomic Development in each and all societies.