Projects such as the Anarchist Free Skool emerge to meet specific needs, transform as priorities and interests shift and eventually dissolve only to emerge elsewhere as the Anarchist Free Skool has morphed to become the Anarchist University. The Anarchist Free Space and Free Skool (AFS) were initiated in April 1999 by artists and activists who had organized a fairly lively free school at a soon to be closed hangout, the Community Cafe. Courses reflected the desire for openness; they were not all about anarchists talking to anarchists about anarchy. The most successful and long-running were Introduction to Anarchism and Class Struggle Anarchism, Syndicalism and Libertarian Socialism. The Anarchist Free Skool was open for participation by anyone who had a general agreement with non-authoritarian and non-oppressive perspectives and practices. The egalitarianism and participatory democracy of the relatively small collective should allow developing inequalities and grievances to be more readily identified and more immediately dealt with, as many anarchists historically have argued.