The theme of power resonates throughout the entirety of Nietzsche’s thought and attains key prominence in the articulation of his cosmology. One fundamental tenet of Nietzsche’s view of the universe is literally, “What you see is what you get”: the natural universe in all of its wondrous beauty is all there is to behold and be held. Like the ancient Greeks, Nietzsche cherished an attitude of reverent wonder towards the natural world:

But to stand in the midst of this rerum concordia discors [the discordant harmony of circumstances] and of this whole marvellous uncertainty and rich ambiguity of existence without questioning, without trembling with the craving and the rapture of such questioning, without at least hating the person who questions, perhaps even finding him faintly amusing-that is what I feel to be contemptible, and this is the feeling for which I look first in everybody.2