WE have already related, farther back, how the municipality of Lima ordered the alcalde Alonso Palomino and Don Antonio Rivera to set out and travel, with all speed, to the great city of Cuzco, where they would find Vaca de Castro, and to give him the Ordinances which the accountant Juan de Cáceres had sent from Panamá, that he might decide what course would be best for the Realm. Palomino and Rivera arrived at Cuzco, causing disquiet to those who were inclined for peace, urging that such a calamity as this must not be let pass, for they all knew with what labour these regions had been explored. Vaca de Castro, having seen the Ordinances, and, being a discreet man, in no wise lost patience. On the contrary, he summoned the following citizens to meet in the municipal chamber: