When he arrived at Lima the Governor Pizarro collected as large a force as he could, and provided the soldiers with weapons and other necessaries for service in the field. He was very anxious for news from Cuzco, and to learn what the messengers had done whom he sent to find out what Almagro had decided, and whether he still intended to carry things to extremes, as he had done up to then. it was not long before the licentiate de la Gama, the factor Illan Suarez de Carbajal and Diego de Fuenmayor arrived at Lima. It was on the 9th of october, 1537. The Governor made them welcome, asking them how they had succeeded, and what news there was of Captain Hernando Pizarro his brother. They gave him a long account of all that had occurred, how the Adelantado had sent the accountant Juan Guzman with some documents drawn up at Cuzco; how the licentiate Espinosa and the rest were to return for Almagro to confirm them afresh; in short they told the Governor everything that had happened to them. they also related the wishes and intentions of Almagro, how miserable Hernando Pizarro was, and his longing to be free, and how the captains Alonzo de Alvarado and Gonzalo Pizarro were suffering in the same way.