It is notorious, and asserted by everyone, that after Hernando Pizarro had returned to the Governor’s camp nothing was thought of but how to take revenge on Almagro, to prepare the troops, and get ready the weapons. No one thought of peace; all were anxious to get ready for war. Sentries and watchmen were ordered to be stationed in all directions. Scouts were sent towards Chincha, and when it was ascertained that the Adelantado had departed, the Pizarros moved the whole of their forces to that valley, and pitched their camp in it. On arrival there it is reported that Hernando Pizarro said to the Governor that it was not consistent with his authority that Almagro should remain unpunished for the 167offences he committed in Cuzco, where, after robbing him, Hernando, of his property he had treated him with the cruelty of which the Governor had been told. He must be followed and captured, for if not all that had been done would be as nothing. The Governor replied that he did not fail to see how bad the conduct of Almagro had been, and that he deserved punishment, but although he felt great anger against him he also feared the anger of the King and his punishment. Hernando replied that it was not a time to stop for that, and that when Almagro entered Cuzco, he never considered how the King might take it.