Don Francisco Pizarro received the news of the battle of Las Salinas with great joy. A few days after its reception he determined to leave Lima, on his way to Jauja and thence to Cuzco, giving out that he went to grant life to the Adelantado; but he had no such thought. Indeed the time was near when he himself would meet with a sudden and cruel death, which would have been avoided if he had then ordered that Almagro should not then be killed. Pizarro took with him his chaplain García Díaz Arias, his secretary Antonio Picado, and some 215citizens of Lima, the Bishop Fr. Vicente de Valverde having, previously warned him that he should not consent to the deaths of more men than had already fallen, for such deeds would be contrary to the will of God our Lord and His Majesty. He also reminded the Governor of the ancient friendship between himself and Almagro, that he now held Cuzco, that Almagro was a prisoner, and that he should be merciful to him and not severe and vindictive. The Governor answered that he would act as the Bishop advised, and that he had no other wish than to see the country at peace. As for the Adelantado there need be no anxiety, for their old friendship would return. The Governor left the Licentiate Benito Suarez de Carbajal as his Lieutenant at Lima, and departed with his small escort, and rode forward until he reached the province of Jauja. Here the Huancas came out to receive him and to do him great service, providing him and his followers with all they needed.