This chapter explores a series of concluding questions that naturally flow from the discussion offered. None of these are pursued in any great depth but all have something to say regarding de Gaulle's value to foreign policy analysis (FPA), international relation (IR), and Political Science in a wider sense. The chapter also explores the value of de Gaulle in relation to Political Science in four particular ways: how he lends support to the ways in which we think about the state in IR; how de Gaulle's views on the historical fit into contemporary IR discourse; how de Gaulle's worldview both supports and questions various theories of IR; how de Gaulle, as an individual leader and with a nod in the direction of future research, makes a fascinating case study to which the 'cognitive psychology' branch of FPA may be applied. De Gaulle's understanding of international relations was categorically pessimistic and once placed within the context of the Western society.