The Infanta Isabella, the chief hope for a Catholic succession in England, had married the Archduke Albert and together they took charge of the Spanish Netherlands. Although he was willing to accept that not all Protestants were heretics, but merely believers in heresy, he wholeheartedly endorsed the conclusion of the convert Humphrey Leech that to remain a Protestant, having seen the truth of Catholic religion, was to be damned. The king, on the other hand, was willing to tolerate, and even favour, Catholics, but not Catholicism. After Philip III succeeded to the Spanish throne in September 1598 she viewed his support for her candidature for the English succession with suspicion. Persons accepted James's accession but was disappointed that he had not been tied down to any terms of toleration. He felt that a Spanish army in readiness in Belgium, and a holding back of support from English Catholics, would have concentrated James's mind and forced him to make definite commitments.