John Holloway's work is an important addition to radical theory and takes the pioneering work of operaismo in directions that its original protagonists would have struggled to imagine. His work tries to meet the challenge detailed in the introduction to show how the material conditions of capitalism contain the potential for other modes of social life. Central to his project is an attempt to transform the solidity and apparent dominance of capitalist power into terrains of contestation and struggle. He wants to show that even after the defeat of the Leninist and Social Democratic Left, and the failures of various smaller more radical perspectives to become ongoing mass movements, the possibilities for communism and emancipation still exist. Holloway's argues that anti-power is posed asymmetrically to power-over, the struggle of labour against being labour is posed asymmetrically to capital's attempt to fracture human doing. This asymmetry is both for Holloway the grounding of communist practice in the cond.