A biography of Sauvage, including a discussion of Catherine Emerson stay in Geneva, the motives for which remain to be uncovered, is given in Cristian Bratu Denis Sauvage: The editing of medieval chronicles in sixteenth-century France', Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History, 3rd series. Jean Dufournet, Denis Sauvage et Commynes. La premire dition critique des Mmoires', in Convergences mdivales: pope, lyrique, roman. Mlanges offerts Madeleine Tyssens, ed. by Nadine Henrard, Paola Moreno and Martine Thiry-Stassin. The innovation of Sauvage's editions is to distinguish visually between the editor and his material. Specialist terms for manuscripts, including that designating the object itself, appear to have been lacking or underused and the terminology that existed was drawn from the world of printing. Godfried Croenen, La Tradition manuscrite du Troisime Livre des Chroniques de Froissart', in Froissart la cour de Barn: the author is crivain, les arts et le pouvoir, ed. by Valrie Fasseur.