This chapter examines how and what details from the Neuburg documents appear elsewhere, and focuses at why Neuburg's government shaped the story for external and internal consumption alike. The murder took place in the small German city of Neuburg on the Danube, but those involved were Spaniards on opposite sides of Western Europe's religious divide. Juan Daz, the victim, was an evangelical. The Schmalkaldic War had erupted, and Neuburg was one of the first prizes that fell to the emperor. After introducing the Reformation into the Young Palatinate, Ottheinrich set up a printing office in the city and placed it under the supervision of a trusted official, Hans Kilian. Juan Daz's death received a religious significance that went far beyond, although the chronography ends on a worldly note, stating that the same date saw the founding of Venice. The reports further ensured that Ottheinrich remained well informed of current events that he could pass on to Elector Palatine Friedrich II.