The rapid development of computer technology and computer graphics has enabled advanced visualization techniques, an essential part of the huge data-generating potential of genomic technologies. Both scientists and artists are exploiting the latest technologies. This project enables us to share and resolve the problems that surround Digital Culturevisual and audiovisual techniques when approached from different perspectives. With the advent of digital technology, contemporary printmaking incorporates ancient and modern techniques and allows for an increasing precision and quantity of visual information to convey complex ideas and insights. Printmaking quickly developed as a means of imparting information and ideas, and for the motivation of piety and reflection, as can be seen in the Biblia Pauperum or Bibles of the Poor which are amongst the first examples of the practice of block printmaking. It is important to recognize that the basis of artists' printmaking is still largely the traditional craft of woodcut, linoleum block, etching, stone lithography and screenprinting.